At the March 5th, 2018 meeting of the Dayton Town Council, the council approved the Rezone of the newly annexed area over objections of community residents. Objections were raised about the number of houses, the fact that promised legal “commitments” such as a 110 house limit and a homeowner’s association, had not been submitted.

     The council approved it anyway, knowing the developers, without a commitment, could change the plan to the maximum number of houses allowed in R-1 zoning (about 190) and Area Plan would have no choice but to approve it. The BIG OMISSION though, is there in not an agreement for the developers to extend the utilities at their own expense.  The rezone discussion begins just past the 41 minute mark in the meeting video:

      Quotations from previous meetings were read to the council as evidence of commitments that were promised by the developers but have not been received. A quotation from the developer’s attorney was read in which he had promised the Fiscal Plan would show who would pay for utility extensions, and yet the Fiscal Plan did not do that.

     The council was asked about why they lied in their letters to Area Plan by saying the Fiscal Plan said the developers would extend the utilities at their own expense when it clearly DOES NOT say that. They each replied that the town ordinance says that, like that answered the question. When asked again, they met the question with blank stares. They were asked if they had any written or verbal agreement with the developers that was not part of the public record. Again, blank stares.

      In spite of all the unanswered questions and unfulfilled promises, the council voted 4-1 to rezone the property.


    We remind you that the Dayton Council is allowing a lawsuit against the town and forcing taxpayers to pay attorney fees rather than say the residents of Dayton will not be paying to extend the utilities. We have a town Ordinance that says the developer extends the lines at their own expense; we have a cost recovery program that says the developer pays; we have a development guide that says the developer pays; Tippecanoe County Area Plan says the developer always pays, yet the council is not only unwilling to say that, but is paying untold attorney fees to make sure they don't have to tell us, the citizens of Dayton, who is paying.

     The council’s decisions to adopt the flawed Fiscal Plan, annex the 54 acres, and now rezone the land to R1 are inexplicable. Clearly the developers are set to experience a windfall, while the people of Dayton are left to deal with the negative impacts and bear enormous costs.


To be reminded of how this all began, please see the “Information about the Proposed Subdivision” page here:

To learn why the town is being sued, please see the “The Connor’s – Milakis’ Proposal and Why the Fight Continues” page here:    

To learn what happened at the Area Plan Rezone Hearing, please see the “APC Meeting and What You Need to Know” page here:

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