If you weren’t able to attend the Area Plan meeting on February 21st, the video is attached. We had an awesome turnout in opposition, 26 letters opposed, and 11 speakers (although only 9 spoke). We need to keep turning out even when it seems like a wasted effort. If you can see through the pontificating of the developers’ attorney, you can tell it’s abundantly clear that the people of Dayton are being taken advantage of, thanks to a town council who is selling us out. We need to continue asking questions and demanding answers. See the APC meeting video here:

Ashley Stevenson, Tammy Nice, and Mike Harris each sent a copy of the same letter to be read at the APC Hearing. Among other exaggerations and lies, they claim the fiscal plan provides that the developer will extend utilities at their own expense. Here’s what the Fiscal Plan really says: “Assuming the annexation and project goes forward, the Town, Developer and adjacent property owners will establish a plan to extend the existing water main to the new area.” There isn’t any plan for the developers to install the extensions, install sidewalks, install turn lanes, or do anything else outside the development, at their own expense. This should be alarming to every citizen of Dayton whether you’re opposed or ambivalent to having their kind of subdivision dropped into the middle of a rural area. We once observed that the developers’ goal is to seal the coffin of our small town of Dayton, and we believe it more every day. The town council is complicit in its death.

The APC meeting provided a couple of illuminating moments. One was after the letters above were read, the attorney for the developer made his remarks. Even after the council members’ letters were read, the attorney made this statement: “the cost of the extensions of the water and sewer would be negotiated as part of the subdivision process.” You can listen to his remarks near the 7:22 mark in the APC meeting video. The 2nd illuminating moment was when Dayton’s own representative to the APC sought to delegitimize the massive opposition by claiming opponents get all their information from one person and that person lies to them. He also slandered the sole council member opposed to the subdivision. Like his 3 compatriots on the council, he seems to forget he works for the people of the town, not the developers.

There isn’t one thing in writing, so EVERYTHING is “to be negotiated.” You can be assured , that even with the cloud of a lawsuit and a mountain of unknowns, the Dayton Town Council will approve the Rezone Petition sending the developers into the subdivision approval process.

We need to be prepared to demand answers to our questions and point out issues with this process, first at the council meeting (where there’s no guarantee they will even entertain comments,) and then back at Area Plan for subdivision approval.

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